Drink and Draw
Home of the Official Drink and Draw Social Club Milwaukee and Racine + Kenosha chapters.
Mismanaged by Terry Haller and Tim Demeter in Southeastern WI since 2007.
Upcoming Events:
August 24
Location TBD

Next R+K DDSC:
September, 28 2023
Location 1 of Us Brewing
8100 WASHINGTON ave, Mt. Pleasant

About Drink and Draw:
Originally founded in Los Angles by Dave Johnson, Dan Panosian, and Jeff Johnson in the early aughts the Drink and Draw Social Club is, as I like to say, exactly what it sounds like.
After discovering what the Founding Fathers were onto via their book my friend Terry Haller and I decided to start our own chapter in 2007. (With the permission of the OG members, of course.) We are now the third oldest officially sanctioned DDSC chapter in existence, preceded only by Atlanta. All these years later there are now hundreds if not thousands of drink and draw chapters all over creation, including MKE DDSC’s little sister, Racine + Kenosha Drink and Draw Social Club. (R+K DDSC)
MKE DDSC has taken many forms over the years and will almost certainly continue to evolve over time. Presently, we meet on the third Thursday of every month. Locations rotate around the Milwaukee area so watch our Facebook group for invites and updates. During quarantine, we took DDSC virtual and that tradition does get revived sometimes in the colder winter months when things to do are scarce and to accommodate some of our members who no longer live in the greater Milwaukee area. Again, watch that group for updates.
Racine + Kenosha Drink and Draw is in the early stages of planning. Expect quarterly events starting in the spring of 2023 as we ramp up.

Drink and Draw FAQ:
Are there themes?
Sometimes. We sued to do them religiously but currently, most of our members have some project or another of their own that they’re actively working on so there hasn’t been much call for themes lately. If you need drawing prompts we are more than happy to oblige.
What skill level is the average drink and draw-er?
All over the board! We have professional illustrators and people who only know how to draw stick people. We are here to encourage art, not critique! MKE DDSC and R+K DDSC both follow the Draw or Die philosophy of artists building up artists!
I don’t drink/draw/like talking to people. Can I still attend?
YES! We generally say that if you want to do one of the things in our name (drink, draw or socialize) you’re welcome at DDSC!
We know many artists are introverts so we’re all about welcoming anyone who may not normally be super comfortable socializing.
As for drawing, you’re also welcome to bring any random creative project that you like! We’ve had people write or sew or whatever! We’re here to encourage your creative passion!
Lastly, we do meet at bars and breweries but if you don’t drink that is, of course, totally cool.
What do you provide?
Sparkling conversation. And that’s it. (Sometimes there’s chipboard to draw on but no promises.) Longstoryshort: bring your own media. Lots of people just bring their iPads now so if you’re into drawing digitally that’s more than cool.
Are there art models?
Nope. Our experience is that tends to kill the social part but we love a good life drawing session elsewhere.
Do I have to share what I’m working on?
We’d love it if you did but you absolutely do not!